Wer Lorbeeren auf dem Kopf Trägt, trägt sie am Falschen Ort. Trotzdem Freuen wir uns auf jede Kreativ Auszeichnung.
Awards & Honors
2016 Jury member One Eyeland Photography Awards
2016 Lürzers Archiv Special 2016/17
Among 200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide
2015 Moscow International Photo Awards
3rd Place - Categories Children
3rd Place - Categories Portrait
9 Honorable Mention
2015 Lürzers Archiv Special 2015/16
Among 200 Best Digital Artist Worldwide
2015 IPA, International Photography Awards
10 Honorable Mention
2015 8th Annual International Color Awards
3rd Place - Categories Children of the World | Nice Boy
3rd Place - Categories Food | Cheese and Pasta
Honorable Mention in Advertising | Cheese and Pasta
Honorable Mention in Advertising | Insomnia
6 Nominees
2015 Best of the Best Photographers
In Book of One Eyeland Vol. V
2014 Photographer of the Year / One Eyeland Award
2014 One Eyeland Photography Award
2 Gold
6 Bronze
6 Finalist nommination
Kategorien: Conceptual, Advertising, Food, Fine Art, Retouching
2014 IPA, International Photography Awards
2nd Place / Kategorie People: Other_P PROFESSIONAL
11 Honorable Mention für Arbeiten für SBB, Heilsarmee und Pistor
2014 Best of the Best Photographers
In Book of One Eyeland Vol. IV
2014 The Color Awards, Photography Masters Cup
2nd Place - Merit of Excellence category advertising
6 nomminert in der Kategorie advertising, Fine Art, Nature, Animal
2014 DOCMA Award
Top 10
2013 One Eyeland Photography Award
1 Finalist
2013 Best of the Best Photographers
In Book of One Eyeland Vol. III
2013 My ARTcontest.com
Editor’s Choice Award
2013 Lürzers Archiv Special 2013/14
In Book of 200 Best Digital Artist Worldwide
2013 One Eyeland Photography Award
2 Silver Categorie Portrait, Conceptual
4 Bronze Categorie Conceptua, Public Service, Portrait
2012 In Book of One Eyeland Vol.2
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